Use a dictionary for Scrabble and Wordfeud
BACK TO SEARCHThe following words can be composed of the letters: e, x, c, o, g, i, t, a, t, i, o, n, s
13-letter words (1)
12-letter words (1)
11-letter words (3)
10-letter words (4)
9-letter words (14)
agonistic (12)antitoxic (18)citations (11)cogitates (12)egotistic (12)exactions (18)excitants (18)exoticist (18)gestation (10)instigate (10)isooctane (11)taconites (11)toxicants (18)toxigenic (19)
8-letter words (52)
aconites (10)agnostic (11)canities (10)canoeist (10)citation (10)coagents (11)coasting (11)coatings (11)cogitate (11)cognates (11)coinages (11)coitions (10)contexts (17)coonties (10)cotingas (11)cottages (11)egoistic (11)entastic (10)escoting (11)estating (9)exacting (18)exaction (17)excising (18)excision (17)excitant (17)exciting (18)excitons (17)existing (16)extincts (17)geotaxis (16)gooniest (9)isogenic (11)isogonic (11)isotonic (10)nictates (10)octagons (11)oscitant (10)osteitic (10)ostinati (8)ostinato (8)scatting (11)scooting (11)sonicate (10)stenotic (10)stiction (10)taconite (10)tactions (10)tangiest (9)tetanics (10)toasting (9)tonetics (10)toxicant (17)
7-letter words (105)
acetins (9)acinose (9)aconite (9)actings (10)actions (9)agonies (8)agonise (8)agonist (8)antisex (14)atonics (9)atonies (7)cagiest (10)casting (10)cations (9)catties (9)catting (10)ceasing (10)cineast (9)coagent (10)coating (10)coaxing (17)coexist (16)cogitos (10)cognate (10)cognise (10)coignes (10)coinage (10)coition (9)congest (10)congoes (10)contest (9)context (16)coontie (9)cooties (9)costate (9)costing (10)cotinga (10)cottage (10)cottons (9)coxitis (16)easting (8)eatings (8)egotist (8)eosinic (9)exciton (16)exiting (15)exotica (16)exotics (16)extinct (16)gentoos (8)gitanos (8)gnostic (10)gooiest (8)goonies (8)ignites (8)incages (10)incites (9)inexact (16)ingates (8)ingesta (8)inosite (7)instate (7)isatine (7)isogone (8)isotone (7)nicoise (9)nictate (9)noogies (8)notates (7)notices (9)octagon (10)octanes (9)octants (9)onstage (8)satinet (7)scottie (9)seating (8)section (9)setting (8)sextain (14)sextant (14)sitting (8)sooting (8)statice (9)stating (8)station (7)taction (9)tasting (8)taxiing (15)taxites (14)taxitic (16)teasing (8)testing (8)testoon (7)tetanic (9)tiniest (7)titanic (9)titians (7)toiting (8)tonetic (9)toniest (7)toonies (7)tooting (8)tootsie (7)toxines (14)
6-letter words (165)
acetin (8)acting (9)actins (8)action (8)aeonic (8)ageist (7)agents (7)agones (7)agonic (9)anisic (8)anoxic (15)antics (8)ascent (8)atones (6)atonic (8)attics (8)axenic (15)axions (13)axites (13)axones (13)axonic (15)canoes (8)cantos (8)casein (8)casing (9)casini (8)casino (8)cation (8)cattie (8)centai (8)centas (8)centos (8)cestoi (8)cities (8)citing (9)coatis (8)coaxes (15)cogent (9)cogito (9)cogons (9)coigne (9)coigns (9)congas (9)conges (9)congii (9)congos (9)conies (8)contes (8)contos (8)cooing (9)cootie (8)cosign (9)cosine (8)costae (8)cotans (8)coting (9)cottae (8)cottas (8)cotton (8)coxing (16)easing (7)eating (7)egoist (7)enacts (8)enatic (8)exacts (15)exonic (15)exotic (15)extant (13)gainst (7)gascon (9)genoas (7)gentoo (7)gestic (9)giants (7)gitano (7)gittin (7)goonie (7)gotten (7)iciest (8)icings (9)icones (8)ignite (7)incage (9)incase (8)incest (8)incise (8)incite (8)incogs (9)ingate (7)ingest (7)ingots (7)insect (8)intact (8)ionics (8)ionise (6)isatin (6)isogon (7)nastic (8)nicest (8)nixies (13)noetic (8)noogie (7)nostoc (8)notate (6)notice (8)oceans (8)octane (8)octans (8)octant (8)octets (8)oscine (8)otiose (6)otitic (8)otitis (6)sating (7)scotia (8)secant (8)seitan (6)seniti (6)sexing (14)sextan (13)sexton (13)signet (7)siting (7)sitten (6)socage (9)soigne (7)stacte (8)stance (8)static (8)statin (6)stingo (7)stogie (7)stooge (7)stotin (6)taints (6)tangos (7)tanist (6)tatsoi (6)taxies (13)taxing (14)taxite (13)taxons (13)tenias (6)teston (6)tieing (7)tigons (7)tincts (8)tineas (6)tinges (7)tisane (6)titans (6)titian (6)tocsin (8)toeing (7)togate (7)tongas (7)tonics (8)toonie (6)toting (7)toxics (15)toxine (13)toxins (13)xenias (13)
5-letter words (204)
acing (8)acini (7)acnes (7)actin (7)aegis (6)aeons (5)agent (6)agios (6)agist (6)agone (6)agons (6)angst (6)anise (5)antes (5)antic (7)antis (5)ascot (7)atone (5)attic (7)axing (13)axion (12)axite (12)axone (12)axons (12)cages (8)cains (7)canes (7)canoe (7)canso (7)canst (7)canto (7)cants (7)caste (7)cates (7)cento (7)cents (7)cesta (7)cesti (7)cines (7)cions (7)cites (7)coast (7)coati (7)coats (7)cogon (8)coign (8)coins (7)cones (7)conga (8)conge (8)congo (8)conte (7)conto (7)coons (7)coots (7)coset (7)cosie (7)costa (7)cotan (7)cotes (7)cotta (7)coxae (14)coxes (14)enact (7)entia (5)eosin (5)escot (7)etnas (5)exact (14)exing (13)exist (12)exits (12)exons (12)gains (6)gaits (6)gates (6)genic (8)genii (6)genoa (6)gents (6)getas (6)giant (6)gites (6)gnats (6)goats (6)gonia (6)goons (6)goose (6)goxes (13)icing (8)icons (7)incog (8)ingot (6)inset (5)intis (5)ionic (7)iotas (5)ixias (12)nates (5)neats (5)neist (5)netts (5)nisei (5)nites (5)nixes (12)nixie (12)noise (5)noose (5)notes (5)oaten (5)ocean (7)octan (7)octet (7)oncet (7)onset (5)ontic (7)ostia (5)ottos (5)saice (7)saint (5)santo (5)satin (5)scant (7)scatt (7)scena (7)scent (7)scion (7)scone (7)scoot (7)segni (6)segno (6)sengi (6)senti (5)seton (5)sexto (12)signa (6)since (7)singe (6)sixte (12)snoot (5)sonic (7)stage (6)staig (6)stain (5)stane (5)stang (6)state (5)stein (5)steno (5)stent (5)sting (6)stint (5)stoae (5)stoai (5)stoat (5)stoic (7)stone (5)taces (7)tacet (7)tacit (7)tacos (7)tacts (7)tains (5)taint (5)tango (6)tangs (6)tanto (5)taste (5)tates (5)taxes (12)taxis (12)taxon (12)teats (5)tecta (7)tenia (5)tents (5)testa (5)texas (12)texts (12)tigon (6)tinct (7)tinea (5)tines (5)tinge (6)tings (6)tints (5)titan (5)titis (5)toast (5)toeas (5)togae (6)togas (6)toits (5)tones (5)tonga (6)tongs (6)tonic (7)toons (5)toots (5)totes (5)toxic (14)toxin (12)xenia (12)xenic (14)
4-letter words (203)
aces (6)acne (6)acts (6)aeon (4)ages (5)agin (5)agio (5)agon (5)ains (4)aits (4)anes (4)anis (4)ante (4)anti (4)ants (4)asci (6)ates (4)axes (11)axis (11)axon (11)cage (7)cain (6)cane (6)cans (6)cant (6)case (6)cast (6)cate (6)cats (6)cent (6)ciao (6)cigs (7)cine (6)cion (6)cist (6)cite (6)coat (6)coax (13)cogs (7)coin (6)cone (6)coni (6)cons (6)coon (6)coos (6)coot (6)cost (6)cote (6)cots (6)coxa (13)east (4)eats (4)egis (5)egos (5)engs (5)eons (4)etas (4)etic (6)etna (4)exit (11)exon (11)gaen (5)gaes (5)gain (5)gait (5)gane (5)gast (5)gate (5)gats (5)gens (5)gent (5)gest (5)geta (5)gets (5)gien (5)gies (5)gins (5)gist (5)gite (5)gits (5)gnat (5)goas (5)goat (5)goes (5)gone (5)goon (5)goos (5)ices (6)icon (6)inia (4)inti (4)into (4)ions (4)iota (4)ixia (11)nags (5)naoi (4)naos (4)neat (4)negs (5)nest (4)nets (4)nett (4)next (11)nice (6)nisi (4)nite (4)nits (4)nixe (11)noes (4)nogs (5)nose (4)nota (4)note (4)oast (4)oats (4)ocas (6)once (6)ones (4)onos (4)onto (4)oots (4)otic (6)otto (4)oxen (11)oxes (11)sage (5)sago (5)sain (4)sane (4)sang (5)sate (4)sati (4)scag (7)scan (6)scat (6)scot (6)seat (4)sect (6)sego (5)sent (4)seta (4)sett (4)sext (11)sice (6)sign (5)sine (4)sing (5)site (4)snag (5)snit (4)snog (5)snot (4)soca (6)sone (4)song (5)soon (4)soot (4)stag (5)stat (4)stet (4)stoa (4)stot (4)tace (6)taco (6)tact (6)tags (5)tain (4)tang (5)tans (4)taos (4)tate (4)tats (4)taxi (11)teas (4)teat (4)tegs (5)tens (4)tent (4)test (4)tets (4)text (11)tics (6)ties (4)tine (4)ting (5)tins (4)tint (4)titi (4)tits (4)toea (4)toes (4)toga (5)togs (5)toit (4)tone (4)tong (5)tons (4)toon (4)toot (4)tost (4)tote (4)tots (4)
3-letter words (108)
ace (5)act (5)age (4)ago (4)ags (4)ain (3)ais (3)ait (3)ane (3)ani (3)ant (3)ate (3)att (3)axe (10)can (5)cat (5)cig (6)cis (5)cog (6)con (5)coo (5)cos (5)cot (5)cox (12)eat (3)ego (4)eng (4)ens (3)eon (3)eta (3)gae (4)gan (4)gas (4)gat (4)gen (4)get (4)gie (4)gin (4)git (4)goa (4)goo (4)gos (4)got (4)gox (11)ice (5)ins (3)ion (3)its (3)nae (3)nag (4)neg (4)net (3)nit (3)nix (10)nog (4)noo (3)nos (3)not (3)oat (3)oca (5)oes (3)one (3)ono (3)ons (3)oot (3)ose (3)oxo (10)sac (5)sae (3)sag (4)sat (3)sax (10)sea (3)sec (5)seg (4)sei (3)sen (3)set (3)sex (10)sic (5)sin (3)sit (3)six (10)son (3)sot (3)sox (10)tae (3)tag (4)tan (3)tao (3)tas (3)tat (3)tax (10)tea (3)teg (4)ten (3)tet (3)tic (5)tie (3)tin (3)tis (3)tit (3)toe (3)tog (4)ton (3)too (3)tot (3)xis (10)