Use a dictionary for Scrabble and Wordfeud
BACK TO SEARCHThe following words can be composed of the letters: x, a, n, t, h, o, p, h, y, l, l, s
12-letter words (1)
11-letter words (1)
9-letter words (2)
8-letter words (6)
7-letter words (16)
alphyls (15)halloth (13)haplont (12)loathly (13)naphtol (12)oxysalt (17)phyllos (15)phytols (15)phytons (15)pythons (15)shallop (12)shallot (10)slantly (10)tallyho (13)tonally (10)typhons (15)
6-letter words (50)
allots (6)alloys (9)alphyl (14)astony (9)atolls (6)hallos (9)hallot (9)halons (9)hollas (9)hostly (12)hyphal (17)lastly (9)llanos (6)lotahs (9)nopals (8)onlays (9)pantos (8)pathos (11)phonal (11)phyllo (14)phylon (14)phytol (14)phyton (14)plants (8)plashy (14)platys (11)poshly (14)postal (8)potash (11)psylla (11)pylons (11)python (14)santol (6)saxony (16)shanty (12)shoaly (12)slanty (9)sphynx (21)stanol (6)syntax (16)syphon (14)talons (6)taxols (13)taxons (13)tolans (6)tolyls (9)typhon (14)xylans (16)xylols (16)yapons (11)
5-letter words (116)
allot (5)alloy (8)altho (8)altos (5)antsy (8)aptly (10)atoll (5)atony (8)atopy (10)axons (12)hallo (8)halls (8)halon (8)halos (8)halts (8)hants (8)haply (13)hasty (11)holla (8)holly (11)holts (8)hosta (8)hotly (11)hoyas (11)hylas (11)hypha (16)hypos (13)hyson (11)laths (8)lathy (11)laxly (15)llano (5)loans (5)loath (8)lotah (8)lotas (5)loyal (8)nasty (8)nopal (7)notal (5)oaths (8)ollas (5)onlay (8)opahs (10)opals (7)palls (7)pally (10)palsy (10)pansy (10)panto (7)pants (7)panty (10)pasty (10)paths (10)patly (10)patsy (10)phlox (17)phons (10)phony (13)phots (10)phyla (13)plans (7)plant (7)plash (10)plats (7)platy (10)plays (10)plots (7)ploys (10)polls (7)polys (10)potsy (10)pylon (10)sally (8)salol (5)salon (5)salty (8)santo (5)shall (8)shalt (8)shaly (11)shoal (8)shoat (8)slant (5)slaty (8)sloth (8)snath (8)soapy (10)solan (5)sonly (8)sophy (13)spall (7)splat (7)splay (10)stall (5)staph (10)stony (8)sylph (13)synth (11)talls (5)tally (8)talon (5)tansy (8)taxol (12)taxon (12)tolan (5)tolas (5)tolls (5)tolyl (8)tonal (5)tophs (10)typal (10)typos (10)xylan (15)xylol (15)yapon (10)
4-letter words (140)
ahoy (10)alls (4)ally (7)alps (6)also (4)alto (4)alts (4)ants (4)apos (6)ashy (10)atop (6)axon (11)hahs (10)hall (7)halo (7)halt (7)hant (7)haps (9)hash (10)hasp (9)hast (7)hath (10)hats (7)hays (10)hoax (14)holp (9)hols (7)holt (7)holy (10)hons (7)hops (9)host (7)hots (7)hoya (10)hoys (10)hyla (10)hypo (12)hyps (12)laps (6)lash (7)last (4)lath (7)lats (4)lays (7)loan (4)lops (6)lost (4)lota (4)loth (7)lots (4)lynx (14)naos (4)naps (6)nays (7)nosh (7)nosy (7)nota (4)oast (4)oath (7)oats (4)olla (4)only (7)onyx (14)opah (9)opal (6)opts (6)pall (6)pals (6)paly (9)pans (6)pant (6)pash (9)past (6)path (9)pats (6)paty (9)pays (9)phat (9)phon (9)phot (9)plan (6)plat (6)play (9)plot (6)ploy (9)poll (6)pols (6)poly (9)pons (6)pony (9)posh (9)post (6)posy (9)pots (6)poxy (16)pyas (9)sall (4)salp (6)salt (4)shah (10)shat (7)shay (10)shop (9)shot (7)slap (6)slat (4)slay (7)slop (6)slot (4)snap (6)snot (4)soap (6)sola (4)soph (9)soth (7)soya (7)span (6)spat (6)spay (9)spot (6)stay (7)stoa (4)stop (6)syph (12)tall (4)tans (4)taos (4)taps (6)than (7)tola (4)toll (4)tons (4)tony (7)toph (9)tops (6)tosh (7)toys (7)typo (9)xyst (14)yaps (9)
3-letter words (93)
ahs (6)all (3)alp (5)als (3)alt (3)ant (3)any (6)apo (5)apt (5)ash (6)asp (5)ays (6)hah (9)hao (6)hap (8)has (6)hat (6)hay (9)hon (6)hop (8)hos (6)hot (6)hoy (9)hyp (11)lap (5)las (3)lat (3)lax (10)lay (6)lop (5)lot (3)lox (10)nah (6)nap (5)nay (6)noh (6)nos (3)not (3)nth (6)oat (3)ohs (6)ons (3)ops (5)opt (5)oxy (13)pah (8)pal (5)pan (5)pas (5)pat (5)pax (12)pay (8)pht (8)ply (8)poh (8)pol (5)pot (5)pox (12)pst (5)pya (8)pyx (15)sal (3)sap (5)sat (3)sax (10)say (6)sha (6)shh (9)shy (9)sly (6)sol (3)son (3)sop (5)sot (3)sox (10)soy (6)spa (5)spy (8)sty (6)syn (6)tan (3)tao (3)tap (5)tas (3)tax (10)tho (6)thy (9)ton (3)top (5)toy (6)yah (9)yap (8)yon (6)